home exchange house swap network

home exchange house swap network
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1PLs Agency - Loans for US
residents up to 3-12 months

Copyright www.HomeLink-USA.com

Non USA residents: If you are a resident of Canada, Australia, South Africa, or Europe, you can not use this form. You must join HomeLink through your domestic HomeLink office.


OUR GUARANTEE TO NEW MEMBERS: If you do not make an exchange in the first year, the second year is free.

NOTE: if you wish to list TWO HOMES, complete a form for each home.
The cost for each additional home is $25.
Please do not attempt to describe two homes in one listing.

Membership Fee

1 Year: $119

2 Years: $190

This is the base fee for membership. Included in the fee is your listing published in a directory, and on our Web-sites and access to the member area of the Web-sites. Membership is valid for a period of 12 or 24 months. Photos are free. You may upload as many as 20 photos directly to your listing where they may be managed on-line.
Additional listings
If you wish to list a second home, the cost of each additional listing is $25. You will find that the form will accommodate this option; however, it is a good idea to email us at us@www.homelink-usa.com to clarify that you are entering multiple listings.

Your membership is valid for a period of 12 or 24 months. New listings are processed and placed on line every morning usually by 10AM Eastern Time. As soon as the listing is on-line, you will receive an email with detailed instructions telling you how to get on-line and other member information. Your password will be included in that email. If you do not receive the email, please contact us.

If you prefer not to subscribe on line, you may download an Adobe Acrobat Subscription Form